
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

I sat on the high point of Amman today. The city stretched out as far as the eye can see… there were at least 7 turrets of the mosques within eyesight, reaching toward the sky. The call to prayer echoes through the city in a way that is eerie, you feel it all the way to your bones. As I sat there, the weight started to settle on me. The source: the sheer amount of people surrounding me who are lost. Awareness of the fate of their souls felt so heavy. 

The way they will know, is if they are told.

“But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them?” Romans 10:14

So tell them, Jenn. What is holding me back? Because I don’t know how to start the conversation? Why do I make it so complicated? It might be tactless, but it is not hard to ask, “Have you ever heard about Jesus?” 

An honest confession? I think I have room to grow in the realm of evangelism. I settled into what was comfortable in Kyrgyzstan. The harvest was plentiful, but I was happy to empower and equip. Discipleship might be a strength or an area I have the most experience. But I wonder how many opportunities I missed because I was happy to settle for my niche? 

I want to be BOLD in the way I witness. Like Acts 4, this is my prayer. “I want to continue to speak your word with ALL boldness, while you stretch out your hand to heal, and signs and wonders are performed through the name of your holy servant Jesus.” I want to talk about Jesus every day until I leave this place! I want to pray for gospel opportunities each morning and watch the Lord come through! I want to ask God to highlight people to me and follow through by pursuing them! I want to invite people into salvation; at the very least letting them know that the invitation is open! That there is something more waiting for them. 


“How could they know unless they’re told?

                   How could they know unless we go?” (MBL Worship)