
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

This is it. Less than two weeks to Launch…

Going to the nations has been on my mind and heart for the past year. Some days it weighs heavy, some days it drifts to the back of my mind, but the urgency has never gone away. I committed to the World Race 9 months ago and have been working to be obedient to the call ever since. I have spent the last 9 months anticipating, sometimes eagerly, sometimes with a little apprehension, the beginning of a new adventure. And now, the moment I have been waiting for is closer than ever. 

The past season has been so busy, it often feels as if none of my thoughts are coherent. When I do take a moment to stop and think, my brain either immediately begins to update my endless to do list or it simply goes blank. So honestly, when I think about blogging, I’m not sure what to write…

I came across this letter that my sister wrote me a few months ago. Amidst the mess of my own thoughts, I figured I would share this with you all, as it paints a clear picture of what I’m walking forward into. She has had the opportunity to do life and ministry in numerous cultures over the last few years; she offers a unique perspective and I have much to learn from her. 

Culture is an interesting thing. It is beautiful and mysterious. It is challenging and frustrating. Culture is like a puzzle. There is thrill in putting together the pieces – making and finding connections, seeing glimpses of the big picture. There are failures, times when you were sure you got it right, but it just didn’t fit. The thing is, you don’t see the end product unless you stick with it. The big picture is there, you can come to understanding, the errors do not mean complete failure. But you have to walk through the process to get there. Culture is a messy, intriguing puzzle, that God uses to reveal the big picture about others and ourselves.  

1. Prioritize the Word of God. 

Learn to crave time in the Word. When talking to others on your team -talk about the Word, when sharing with unbelievers -use the Word, when doubting -return to the promises in the Word. 

2. Be quick to ask for help. 

The reality is that we have zero ability to live life on our own. We need God, we need people. 

3. Learn when to say no. 

Time alone is beneficial. Naps are sometimes the most Christlike thing you can do. Watching a movie in your own language and eating chocolate is completely fine once in a while. 

4. Learn to discern God’s expectations of you from your own expectations and from others. 

Sometimes we are our own worst enemy. We want to be something or some way. We want to do something. People tell us this or that. Those things actually don’t matter in the end. What God expects matters. (Micah 6:8, James 3:17)

5. Have a mindset of a decoration. 

It is a hard concept to get into your head that God doesn’t need you to do anything for Him. He wants you to reflect His glory, His beauty, and His love. He wants you to be a plate – one that hangs on the wall, declaring the majesty of it’s creator, not one that is eaten off of. Both have a time and purpose, but often we negate the marvelous privilege of being a decoration. 

6. Document everything. 

Whether it is video journals, a diary, in your blog, photos (take so many photos!), videos – document your life! Document all sides of it, the victories and the failures, prayers and praises, adventures and ordinary life. Don’t give people a one-sided view (all good or all bad) and don’t give your future self a one-sided view either. 

7. Live the abundant life. (John 10:10)

You are going to learn and it is going to be hard. It is ministry and you can’t forget that. But not every moment is an overly spiritual thing. God has given you an incredible opportunity. Enjoy it!!! 

Support Update: I only have $2,500 left to raise!! The Lord has been faithful to provide the funds for this trip, always ahead of schedule. Through the entire process, I have been praying to be fully funded before I leave the country, even though my final deadline isn’t until the end of May. I would love for you to join me in praying for that! Also, would you pray about supporting me financially and being a part of what God is doing among the nations? 

3 responses to “A note from my sister on culture.”

  1. Well said so much wisdom!! Love both of you and so thankful for seeing God work in both of you !!

  2. Thank you for sharing! It is hard to believe that launch is so close! I’m so proud of you both!
    Love and prayers! Mom