
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

In the months before I left, I set aside time each week to pray and fast for each country I would be going to. It resulted in research, meditation, and seeking the Lords heart in how he would direct my steps over the next year. I spent much time praying over the countries themselves, over the spread of the gospel, for strength and boldness of believers who are already there, and for my team that will be able to contribute to the work God is already doing each place we go. I prayed for my own heart and mind as I prepared, as well as that of my squad. It provided a creative outlet, but also allowed me to spend sweet time with the Lord, giving the next year over to him.  

I wanted to share my time with the Lord with you each month and invite you into this journey with me. There is power in the prayers of Gods children!! As I read through the New Testament, I see over and over, ASK!! Your prayers are definitely felt and I need that team partnering with me in prayer!  Would you pray with me for my team and for the people we will touch?

Originally I thought we would be partnering with a DTS in Brisbane, but plans changed and we ended up in Coffs Harbour instead. However many of the prayers are fitting for this location as well! It has been a good lesson in walking with open hands, being willing to be flexible and follow where the Lord leads! Here are some ways you can pray specifically for Australia:

Our Squad (specifically)

  • Continued unity – (Eph 4:3) one mind, one purpose 
  • Our partnership with YWAM – furthering their service to the people of Coffs Harbour; opportunities for influence and growth
  • Boldness in evangelism – sensitive to “Who is God putting on your heart?”, gospel conversations (full of love, hope and life)
  • Obedience as we follow – taking simple steps of obedience, with more joy & more confidence; seeking to deepen our relationship with the Father

Australia (as a whole)

  • Increased number of immigration and refugees – People unreached by the gospel are literally moving to our neighborhoods and communities!! 
  • Drought and Fires – Although these both happen each year, this year is significantly worse than normal; wildfires have spread over most of Australia
  • Increased diversity and the decline of Christianity – The cultural shift is similar to the USA, pray for God to move among the churches there to renew and awaken believers
  • The next generation – Time spent investing in children and youth is a direct investment in the future of Australia!
  • Indigenous Aboriginal culture – Pray for the Aboriginal Evangelical Fellowship which supports, trains and equips believers and churches in those communities


We landed in Australia on Jan 16th and drove down the coast to Coffs Harbour which would become home for our Squad for the next few weeks. Our contact is pioneering a YWAM base here, where the heartbeat is to serve, bless and encourage the local church. YWAM has such a great relationship with local churches in the area, so we have had the opportunity to partner with them in that during our time here!

Half of us are staying at Lifehouse Church, which has been a huge blessing. We have had the opportunity to serve at their evening service both of Sunday’s that we have been here; both weeks I have been helping with the kids program. Australia kids are so fun and wild!! My team was also asked to go to Summer Camp with the youth group to serve in the kitchen; six of us served all the meals for 80+ people! Australian teens are even more wild than the kids, and 100% cooler than me. Most of them showed up with a surf board, skateboard, long board.. What a joy and blessing it was for me and my team to give back and invest, even in a small way in the next generation!

We also have served at Voyage Church, a new church plant in the area, for the past two Sunday mornings. It felt immediately like home and family; I have received so much life from the sweet fellowship there. While we were gone, the rest of my team distributed about 6,000 flyers to homes in the area! We have also been doing some street evangelism, as well as partnering with local ministries like a nursing home and rehab center.

My time in Australia has been so full; we are staying busy, but it is full of beautiful moments as well! We are surrounded by God’s glory, in his creation and in his people, and such quality time with my Squad. God is cultivating some deep roots of peace, love and unity during our first month, preparing us for what’s ahead. Soli deo gloria! 

I hope to send you an update each month with more about how you can pray for the country I will be in. I would love to hear feedback with additional prayer requests you know of or maybe even connections you might have with people in each country! I’m realizing there are crazy connections all over, within the Kingdom of God and the Body of Christ. It would be awesome if that’s how God chooses to work through our squad! Just post a comment below.

12 responses to “January 2020: Pray for Australia”

  1. Praying for continued opportunities! I’ve been in mission trips where our motto was “plans changed!” God’s plans are always best!

  2. It’s wonderful how you’ve prepared and prayed over each country. That takes foresight and planning! I’m looking forward to praying along side you in this beautiful ministry journey!

  3. Super excited to see what God will do. No Reserves. No Retreat. No Regrets. This was written in the inside cover of William Borden’s Bible. His tombstone says: Apart from faith there is no explanation for such a life.

  4. Hi Jenn,

    It was wonderful to meet with you at Voyage Church on your first Sunday in Australia. I was so uplifted by your personal faith and purpose and you taught me some things too. Please remember to like Helpful thoughts for busy people on Facebook and let me know if any of the papers will be useful in any of your missions as I’d be happy to print and post to you.

    Praying for you to have endless opportunities to spread the gospel and for a safe journey.

    God bless

  5. Praying for your emotional tank to be filled up so you can effectively be able to communicate with your teammates. Also praying that your anxiety tank be low, that the Peace of God will fill you up as you trust that you are in the palm of His hand and able to execute Jesus’ plan for you.

  6. So exciting! I had to laugh as you are talking as if you are from Australia – settling in so quickly! I will continue to pray for your last week there and your transition to Indonesia and all the ministry opportunities that God is preparing for you! Proud of you and love you! For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2:10

  7. Amen!! And I believe this is only the beginning… haha

    One of my teammates calls it riding the Holy Spirit wave.

  8. It was so good to talk to you that Sunday at Voyage!! I’m glad you decided to come to church. Thank you for following me and supporting my journey!

    I liked the page; I love the ways God is using you right where you are at!!

  9. As I read back through these comments, I think about how these specific prayers settled over me this past week. Thank you for this!

  10. Hahaha, yeah I guess I have this tendency to be all in, wherever I go. I took ownership, it was my home, they’re my people ya know?

  11. This is awesome Jenn! I hope month 1 was a great introduction to race life and that you feel connected to your team. Praying for Australia and for unity among all of you. Keep sharing what the Lord shows you this year!